Fly fishing community

While the Internet may certainly be a used as a tool for endlessly bashing meaningless opining on ignorant and trite opinions into your grey matter, every now and again it is true that you may find a few “unplucked gems” out there. It is easy to find so much apathy, negativity and narcissism on the web and yet it is also still true that the internet is a great tool for building communities and sharing information.

I feel like the fly fishing community and its shared values are under attack from many fronts, with the people who want to exploit everything within it for money, those who refuse to understand what fly fishing can represent, and the very fish themselves that in many cases we are wondering if we will see wane into memory in the coming decades. I think we need to celebrate what we have while we still have it, and that we have more in common than we like to think.

If you like coastal sea run cutthroat or any number of other briny species and the pursuit of them with a fly rod, the saltwater section of Washington fly fishing forum is a largely positive forum on what is a typically wildly negative topic (anadromous fisheries), and let’s be honest right about now, negativity is something we’ve had just about enough of lately.

(The fly tying section is pretty good too)

If you like sea run cutthroat, take a look at one of the larger ones you will ever see…

2 thoughts on “Fly fishing community

  1. Great stuff man. I dig your writing and approach here. Was cool getting to meet and chat for a minute last night at the workshop.

    Keep up the good work here! And you’re spot on… In an Internet world full of bullshit and a serious lack of quality fly fishing content, WFF definitely stands out.

    • Thanks, likewise, the seminar was really good. I appreciate the complete no bullshit approach you’ve got, and the against the grain/conventional wisdom huge fly zero fucks given attitude. Keep it up

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