Northern gateway

I am a resident of British Columbia, and I have struggled to find consistent and meaningful work in my life, but I do not think for one moment that the things that make my home a good place to live should be put at risk of destruction for me to have a job. I also respect the fact that the native individuals and bands in this province have rights and privileges that I and my family do not have. I do not tolerate elected officials who feed as vampires upon the relentless apathy of the voting public in this province and country to use it as a way to abdicate all responsibility in protecting this province including its people. I do not tolerate the barons of industry being able to decide whether the fisheries act or SARA for aquatic species (which number far beyond only the species of salmon and trout that we all love) should be invoked when considering large and impactful projects. I also do not tolerate a man and his regime who dismantle all of the environmental regulations that were put in place to protect this coast and its people as if they are and mean nothing, to benefit a small group of wealthy friends who don’t live here. It is good for me and like minded individuals that I am not alone. Consider this Christmas putting your support behind people who might have the only and unprecedented way to challenge the maniacal heretics of this country who will gamble our future (not theirs) away for a questionable, vague, overseas “economic benefit”.

fuck the economy, let’s go fishing


drink in the beauty, and then ask yourself if you couldn’t make money off of, fish for or catch these fish could you still care about them. I do care and that’s why now that the abdication of choice does not absolve you from responsibility for your apathy, so if you didn’t vote then you cant whine about the economy, state of our fisheries, pipelines, taxes, education, health care, first nations etc. these are all controlled by decisions for the most part made by elected officials. I often hear people complaining about lobbying by “special interest groups.” If one quarter of a place votes the ruling party into power then imagine how much more power those lobbyists have. Why do you think the Kokish river is going to be running through a pipe to produce a small amount of power that in the end actually loses money for the province? It is absolutely not about jobs for native people in the Port Mcniell area. The current IPP policy and the dismantling of environmental regulations has been enacted by parties that have received a quarter to a third of the popular vote. Why? It’s because a lot (approx. 39% in the last federal election, and 48-52% in the most recent BC provincial election) of people don’t vote. The federal conservatives won a “majority” in the last election on approximately 40% of the popular vote out of the 61% of the population that voted. While it’s clear that I am no mathematician you can’t really cook these numbers. I do truly hate politics but I do not for one second underestimate their importance and power over my life and values. So take your apathy and politely go fuck yourself.